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Regulation of Type 2 Diabetes using EXERCISE

Regulation of type 2 diabetes using exercise

A regular exercise regimen in diabetes – afflicted helps in better control of blood sugar and reduces the demand for medication by 20%. Patients with Type 2 diabetes, who regularly exercise, find that their blood glucose is better controlled, but on a day they miss their physical activity program, the glucose level tends to rise. Thus exercise is now considered an important tool for the long management of diabetes.

Precautions to be taken by patients before an exercise program:

1. Check your random blood sugar level before and after exercise
2. Blood glucose should be above 100 mg/dl and  less than 250 mg/dl.
3. No symptoms of retinopathy, (damage to the blood vessels of the eye), neuropathy (damage to the nerves and circulation to extremities), or nephropathy (kidney damage)
4. No cardiovascular problems such as angina, embolism, or aneurysm
5. Wear a well cushioned pair of walking shoes with antiperspirant socks

Exercise recommendation

American diabetes association recommends the following protocol of exercise to be followed for patients with type 2 diabetes:

1. Regular aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, swimming for 30 min 6 days a week @ moderate intensity.
2.  Regular resistance training for patients without the above said complications 3 days a week , working 8-12 repetitions per set, targeting  all major muscle groups.

Effects of exercise on type 2 diabetes:

1. Lowers the blood glucose levels
2. Opens the muscle receptors for peripheral glucose absorption
3. Increases insulin sensitivity
4. Greater mobilization of fat, enabling weight loss.


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